Fishing Tournament Rules
1. It is the sole responsibility of the participating anglers, captains, and crew to know and abide by the tournament rules. By entering the Plumbing Contractors Association Key West Invitational they acknowledge such and agree to the rules.
2. There will be a maximum of 6 anglers per boat/team.
3. At least two plumbing contractor must be fishing on the boat for that team to qualify for any prize money or jackpots.
4. Fishing hours are from 8:00am to 2:00pm. Teams must hand in their score cards to a tournament official and have their jackpot fish weighed no later than 2:30pm to qualify their catch.
5. Points are awarded as follows:
i. Dorado – 50 points per fish. A maximum of 8 fish per boat count towards the point total. The minimum weight for a qualifying Dorado is 10 lbs.
ii. Tuna – 50 points per fish. A maximum of 8 fish per boat count towards the point total. The minimum weight for a qualifying tuna is 10 lbs.
iii. Wahoo – 75 points per fish. A maximum of 8 fish, per boat count towards the point total. The minimum weight for a qualifying wahoo is 20 lbs.
iv. Sailfish – 100 points per fish. As these species are catch and release, a digital photo is required to verify the catch.
v. All other fish – 25 points per fish. A maximum of 8 fish, per boat count towards the point total. The minimum weight for qualifying mixed fish is 10 lbs.
6. Monitoring: Each boat/team will be provided a certified score card that will need to be filled out and then verified by a tournament representative at the dock.
7. The tournament directors and advisors reserve the right to alter the starting and finishing times to coincide with weather, tides, and probability of better fishing conditions.
All decisions by the tournament director and tournament officials are final.
1. The Tournament Pool amount will be determined by the number of boats/sponsors participating in the tournament
2. The team with the highest point total wins 50% of the total cash in the Tournament Pool. Second highest point total wins 30% of the cash in the Tournament Pool. Third highest point total wins 20% of the cash in the Tournament Pool
3. In the event of a tie between 2 teams in point totals the winner will be determined by the team that catches the most number of fish
4. Any team or individual receiving monetary winnings is required to provide to the tournament director a social security number and a current address. Winnings will be sent by check, via mail, within 5 business days of the end of the tournament
1. It is the sole responsibility of the participating anglers, captains, and crew to know and abide by the tournament rules. By entering the Plumbing Contractors Association Key West Invitational they acknowledge such and agree to the rules.
2. There will be a maximum of 6 anglers per boat/team.
3. At least two plumbing contractor must be fishing on the boat for that team to qualify for any prize money or jackpots.
4. Fishing hours are from 8:00am to 2:00pm. Teams must hand in their score cards to a tournament official and have their jackpot fish weighed no later than 2:30pm to qualify their catch.
5. Points are awarded as follows:
i. Dorado – 50 points per fish. A maximum of 8 fish per boat count towards the point total. The minimum weight for a qualifying Dorado is 10 lbs.
ii. Tuna – 50 points per fish. A maximum of 8 fish per boat count towards the point total. The minimum weight for a qualifying tuna is 10 lbs.
iii. Wahoo – 75 points per fish. A maximum of 8 fish, per boat count towards the point total. The minimum weight for a qualifying wahoo is 20 lbs.
iv. Sailfish – 100 points per fish. As these species are catch and release, a digital photo is required to verify the catch.
v. All other fish – 25 points per fish. A maximum of 8 fish, per boat count towards the point total. The minimum weight for qualifying mixed fish is 10 lbs.
6. Monitoring: Each boat/team will be provided a certified score card that will need to be filled out and then verified by a tournament representative at the dock.
7. The tournament directors and advisors reserve the right to alter the starting and finishing times to coincide with weather, tides, and probability of better fishing conditions.
All decisions by the tournament director and tournament officials are final.
1. The Tournament Pool amount will be determined by the number of boats/sponsors participating in the tournament
2. The team with the highest point total wins 50% of the total cash in the Tournament Pool. Second highest point total wins 30% of the cash in the Tournament Pool. Third highest point total wins 20% of the cash in the Tournament Pool
3. In the event of a tie between 2 teams in point totals the winner will be determined by the team that catches the most number of fish
4. Any team or individual receiving monetary winnings is required to provide to the tournament director a social security number and a current address. Winnings will be sent by check, via mail, within 5 business days of the end of the tournament